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If you are the proud owner of a lace wig, you may want to know how to properly care for and clean it. Here is a guide on how to clean your lace wig so that it looks as beautiful as when you first purchased it!

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Before beginning the cleaning process, make sure that you have all of the necessary supplies. You will need a mild shampoo, conditioner, water, and a wide-toothed comb. Additionally, some people prefer to use an old t-shirt or other soft cloth for scrubbing instead of their hands.

Step 2: Detangle Your Wig

It’s important not to skip this step in order for your cleaning process to be effective and safe for your wig. Begin by using your wide-toothed comb or fingers (if available) and gently detangle any knots or tangles in the hair before wetting it down with water. It is best not to use any products while detangling as they can cause even more damage if applied in this state.

Step 3: Wet Your Wig with Water

Once all knots are gone from the wig, fill up either a sink or bowl with lukewarm water (make sure there is enough space for your entire wig!). Then submerge your wig into the water until it is completely saturated but not dripping wet (too much moisture can cause damage). Be careful not to rub too hard as this could lead to shedding!

Step 4: Shampoo & Condition Hair

Now that your hair has been soaked with water, start working through small sections of hair at a time by applying shampoo from root-to-tip while massaging into scalp area gently with fingertips. Once shampoo has been worked throughout each section rinse thoroughly until no suds remain then repeat same steps using conditioner being sure not focus mainly on ends where most tangles occur but also work through roots which need nourishment too! Finally rinse again until all product residue has been removed then blot lightly between towels before hanging upside down over shower rod/door knob/etc., allowing excess moisture drain out naturally instead of rubbing vigorously which can cause excessive shedding/damage due too friction between strands when wet!

How To Maintain A Curly Wig
How To Protect Your Wigs From Frizzy
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